Sunday, October 25, 2009

When I grow up...

Since Erik started preschool he's been saying, fairly consistently, that he wants to be a teacher. Today at church he saw a big, tall bell tower out the window at church. He really wanted to go ring the bell. I told him there was a lock on it, and only Pastors Erik and Pam got to decide who rings the bell and when to ring it. I told him when he grew up, maybe he could be a pastor and then he could make the decisions about ringing his church's bell. (He likes to make the decisions.) He thought and thought about that in the car on the way home. Halfway home he said, "When I grow up, I'm either going to be a teacher or a pastor. I'm going to think about it for a couple minutes."

1 comment:

Joe Lindell said...

Don't forget, he's also interested in being an air traffic controller. That would be cool, but it would be better if he had a job that could get his parents free air travel....