Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween will be slightly subdued this year since the kids are getting over the flu. We'll probably take them a couple places. I bought the kids each a pumpkin a couple weeks ago and yesterday we carved them. First Erik looked at pictures online to find the perfect face. Then I gave him a Sharpie and he drew a face on his pumpkin. They've been sort of practicing at school so he knew what to do. He did give his face ears, a belly button and a bottom (in front). Then I cut out the eyes and mouth. It was very fun and he was quite proud of it. The teeth he drew were quite pointy, so I said it looked like a vampire. He's not familiar with vampires, so after a couple minutes he said, "I think they are really called vam-pirates!" When Joe came home he told Joe it was an umpire! I cut Adin's to look like Count von Count from Sesame Street. I'm pretty proud of mine, too! I'm glad Halloween is tonight because the Count is going to fall apart pretty soon.

Adin has been saying "Pumpkin" so we decided we'll dress him in the pumpkin costume Erik wore when he was 18 months, instead of his new fire fighter jacket. Joe put him in his costume and he looked and looked at himself in the mirror. It was very cute. He even tolerated having the hood up. He drew the line at the cute little mittens, though. He hates mittens like poison.

Nope, we ended up having two adorable firefighters.

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