Thursday, March 29, 2012


Adin walks into the room. "I want to read you something. It's from a pretend book. Here it is." he holds out his hands as if he were holding a book. Holds the book up to his face. "This book has a lot of 'ah' words. Here's one: 'tall'. Here's another: 'ball'."

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Adin and Erik continue to be fascinated by superheroes, but now they are branching out. They read about The Avengers (Capt. America and his friends), and even are inspired by Super Grover 2.0 on Sesame Street. Erik made up his own super hero yesterday (Super E, I think his name was) and Adin is always along for the ride.

This morning they were playing and imagining and Adin was talking about his super alter ego. He said, "He's fast, the fastest, he's flying..." and then paused to think of how fast he could go. Faster than the speed of light? Infinity miles per hour? No, the fastest Adin could think of was... "the SPEED LIMIT!" Clearly, I have a very responsible superhero on my hands!

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Birthday Secrets

Adin decided earlier this week that he wanted to give me five balloons for my birthday. I fully support that plan, so Joe took the boys shopping tonight. When they came home, Erik rang the doorbell and came in telling me Adin would be coming in right behind him. Then when Adin came in, he asked me to come in his room with him once he got his boots off. I agreed and then Erik couldn't wait for Adin to get his boots off so Erik dragged me to Adin's room and asked me to cover my ears! I think that's around the time I figured out something was up. So I turned on some music. I heard Adin and Erik talking about when it was time to flick the porch lights off and on. And Erik told me to be sure not to come out of Adin's room until he told me it was safe. Once it was safe, Adin took me by the hand and led me straight to Erik's room and tried to open a drawer. Erik was pretty upset but I told him I hadn't seen anything so any secrets that may be contained in the mysterious drawer are still safe. Watching the kids keep secrets is so fun!