Monday, April 28, 2008

Flying Solo

Well, all the grandparents have gone home and Joe just left for work. It's just me and the two munchkins. It will just be for the afternoon, so I'm not too worried. I'm more concerned about tomorrow. Our neighbor emailed to let us know her son has croup. I was mentally counting on Erik getting to go over and play with the big boys this week for a few hours, like he usually does.

People ask who we think Adin looks like. It's easier for Joe to see the similarities to his side of the family, and for me to see the similarities to my side. When I look at Adin's face, I sometimes think he looks like my dad or my Bestefar, probably because of the forehead and eyebrows. Sitting here at the computer, with the way the light is hitting his hair, right his hair looks red, red, red, and in profile he reminds me of the baby picture of my mom that's hanging above her parents' bed. I think Adin's eyes are much bluer than Erik's were at birth. Erik had grey-blue eyes, but I think Adin's are truly blue.

My internet connection won't let me post a photo right now, but I'm sure everyone will have lots of opinions to share in the next few months, as Adin fills out a bit.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hurry! Hurry!

Drive the firetruck!

One weekend Joe took Erik to a transportation museum and they got to ride on top of a real firetruck! I guess it was pretty cool. When I ask Erik about it, he says it was windy up there.


I've probably posted pix like this before, but I just get such a kick out of how messy he gets when he eats spaghetti.
The video is of him shoveling in peas by the fistful, and me trying to get him to say, "I love peas" like he did before I picked up the video camera!

Easter Sunday

Joe's family came to town for Easter weekend and Erik had a great time with them. I don't seem to have taken any pictures, though. Ooops. However, our friends Jen and Zach came over Sunday afternoon with their daughter Eleanor. Erik loved playing with her and asked after for quite a few days after she left. Here's a picture of the kids in their Easter clothes before they decided they'd really rather just wear diapers.

Getting ready for Easter

Here are some pix of Erik decorating the pussy willow branches with the decorations I won a couple months ago at a baby shower. He was pretty careful and enjoyed looking at the branches all month.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

"Help! Fire!"

Erik watched a video in which Elmo visits a fire station. Then on Saturday, Joe and Erik visited a transportation museum and got to ride on a fire truck. Today, Erik brought me a book about Sally the Sea Ferry, in which she uses the water from her wake to put out a fire on a fishing boat. Afterwards he talked about the book and started yelling, "Help Sally! Fire!". We pretended to spray water. Then he said, "help mama. Fire in my house." so I pretended to spray water in his little play house. He was sitting in front of it and seemed to realize what would have happened had I really been spraying because he said, "mama, I'm wet! I need a towel, I'm wet"! So I gave him a towel and he pretended to dry off. He did the same thing later, pretending that his crib was on fire, then requested a towel to dry it off.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Excuses excuses

Ok, so I won't be able to post any pictures for a while...I seem to have lost our camera. I took out the battery on Saturday to charge it and haven't seen the camera since. sigh.

This afternoon our friends Erika, Brooke and Evan came over to play for a bit. Erik and Brooke had fun, they had a little picnic on the floor of our front room and drew on the Magnadoodle. But Erik really wanted to go downstairs and I thought we should stay upstairs, since our friends couldn't stay too long. I told Erik we'd go down in a few minutes after Brooke went to the store. He sat down and played for a while, then looked up at her and said, "Thanks for coming over today." Subtle, huh?