Friday, April 18, 2014

A Kinder Birthday Tradition

When Erik turned six he had the boys from his class over for a party.  We always coach the kids before gift opening on how to be a gracious recipient, but who knows what a little kid is really going to do when they see a gift!  It turned out two kids gave him the same Capt. America shield.  When he opened the second one he looked up and said, "I can give this one to Adin!"  We were so proud.

Fast forward two years.  Today we had a bowling party and each of them invited three friends.  When Adin opened his gifts, he received two stomp rockets.  He suggested he could give one to Erik.  Proud again, especially since both boys spent a fair amount of today somewhat grumpy and squabbling over everything they could think of. 

After the bowling party, we took all the new outdoor equipment to the park and tried it out.  It was very fun.  It was pretty windy, so when Erik threw the boomerang one time it got stuck really high in a tree.  We threw balls at it to try to get it down (without the balls hitting the car parked under the tree).  An older boy was playing basketball by himself, and he came over to help.  After he got the boomerang down, he played with us.  It was really fun!

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