Friday, February 22, 2013


Erik and Adin are in fun stages of literacy right now.  Adin is a voracious reader.  Today at the dentist, he sat with a book and read Richard Scarry while I had my teeth cleaned.   Tonight he sat in bed and read for 30 minutes after bedtime and really only put down the book and turned off the light under extreme duress. 

Erik is learning to read at a more normal rate, and is slowed a little right now by being in Spanish Immersion school, where he won't have English reading instruction for a couple more years.  However, he is becoming more and more adept at decoding words.  I love when he reads me a simple picture book.  Adin comes and sits on one side of Erik and listens to the book, too.  It's very sweet.  I coach him a little on the odder vowel combinations, and on putting a little dramatic flair into his reading. 

Scholastic Books had a great poster:
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy books, and that's kind of the same thing.

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