Friday, February 15, 2013

Adin goes to Chipotle

I took Adin to the YMCA today.  He has swim lessons on Saturday mornings.  I'm trying to take him to the pool on Fridays to remind him of what he worked on the week before, so that Saturday goes slightly smoother.  We sort of took turns being the teacher.  I would have him work for about five minutes and then he got to tell me what to do for a minute.   He had the last turn being teacher, before open swim ended.  As we climbed out of the pool, I said, "Thanks for the swim lesson.  You're a good teacher."  And he said  back to me, " Thank you for the lesson.  You are a good teacher, too."  I thought that was very sweet of him to think of saying.

When we were ready to leave, we went across the street to Chipotle for lunch.  As usual, Adin read everything around him, menus, drink cups, etc.  He asked me questions about the funny stuff on the cup and why the restaurant was called Chipotle.  Adin's meal came with a mini bag of tortilla chips.  As he ate, he said, "I know why they named it the Chip part, it's because you can eat chips here.  But I don't know why they named it -otle."  (pronounced OAT-lay). 

He cracks me up.

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