Here's your first picture of Baby Lindell! Would you like to guess the gender?
It's a boy!
Yes, we had our ultrasound this morning. I was pretty nervous since I have friends who have had unexpected results during this procedure. Everything seemed to be fine. Nothing urgent enough to schedule an early visit with an OB anyway. The only surprise was that I went in thinking I was 19 weeks, 2 days into this pregnancy, and the baby measured a week or two bigger. The technician said there isn't that much variation in size until the third trimester so the measurements are fairly reliable. I just find it hard to believe I'm 20 weeks, 6 days! I guess this little guy will just come out when he's good and ready.
It was fun to get to see his profile. Erik didn't really cooperate with that and we weren't able to see his profile. The new little guy was much more active than I remember Erik being during the ultrasound. That makes me nervous as I think Erik is plenty active! Joe doesn't really think it's predictive though. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
We welcome any boy baby name ideas.
Hi Anne - what fun! I haven't checked your blog in ages, and then was inspired to take a look tonight. I must have sensed exciting news. And it is exciting! Two boys! Go check my blog for a glimpse into your future :) It's great watching Sam and Robbie play together more and more interactively. I hope it lasts a lifetime - for my boys and for yours!
Once again, congratulations,
Hmm--I must remain anonymous--but what about:
Just for starters.
Congratulations all three!
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