Thursday, June 05, 2008

Other people's babies

We went to a baby shower on Memorial Day. The very clever hosts created a Parenting Olympics. Joe and I were on Team Tinkerbell, the team that beat Team Transformers. My event (which I won) was dressing a Barbie doll.

Although I had to go first (a distinct disadvantage) and have two boys (same), my years of Barbie dressing served me well, and I won by two nanoseconds, approx. Joe's event was Playdough sculpting and I'm sad to say that he lost. However, could you sculpt a dragon?

Adin spent the shower being cuddled by the grandma-to-be. Erik made friends with their dog. Well, the dog wanted his bread and he managed to tolerate her watching him eat it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Barbie dolls are upstairs
in a box if you ever want them!