Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It's your patriotic duty to vote

Erik will be attending his first wedding this Sunday. Our dear friend Natalie is getting married, and we will be bringing Erik to help celebrate the momentous occasion. In honor of this event, Joe and I have the weighty task of choosing just the right outfit for Erik to wear. We have two that we call his "Young Republican" outfits. One is blue, one brown. The comments section of Erik's blog will be open this week so that you, Erik's friends and family, can vote on which outfit should be worn to the nuptuals. Vote early, vote often. And remember, he'll probably spit up and need to be changed into the "vice-outfit" anyway! We promise, every vote will be counted, regardless of whether you live in the city, suburbs or country, and no thugs will come to your door to question your registration status. This vote is being personally overseen by Jimmy Carter to ensure no one tampers with the electronic voting equipment.


Anonymous said...

Brown! Always the earth tones. That is one styling outfit. It says nuptuals to me!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I agree. The light blue is a 'vice-outfit' if I ever saw one. But the brown one? Among those two pants, that one definitely wears the pants. And I'd be remiss if I didn't say 'pants' one more time for the sheer enjoyment of it. Pants.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I agree with the illustrious Scott Rial. I say Brown.

Anonymous said...

Brown. It's a solid midwestern look with earthy undertones. Blue. That's the sort of thing they wear in states with an ocean nearby.

Anonymous said...

I think the consensus is brown. But only with the right sox. As we have discussed many times, the foot wear make or break the outfit. I think the only colors for the brown outfit are light brown or white. No blue, definitly no blue. I think probably white just in case he has to change to the blue outfit, maybe with a blue trim.

MatGlab said...

I vote for blue, partly to buck the trend, partly because it's my color of choice practically always, but mostly because it's got "baby" written all over it. The other one says "little man" to me ... and aren't we always lamenting how quickly our children grow up? Keep him little!

Plus, who wants to wear long pants in July?

Anonymous said...

definately brown. Make sure he wears some cute sandals or even better - barefoot. No goofy socks allowed.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with mr. ludtke. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Erik would look charming in the BLUE outfit. I vote for BLUE.

Anonymous said...

Blue! It is more baby looking and looks more comfortable than pants at the waist. I alway find pants are too tight fitting on a baby. They work better after they are walking. I also go for more "old-fashioned" looking clothes.

Anonymous said...

I like the brown outfit. The stripes go from right to left. karen

Anonymous said...

I vote for the jumper short outfit. Easier to handle him and it will look better as you pass him around. And, who can resist seeing those cute little bear legs? How's the weather, that my be the deciding factor but then there's blankets.
Love, Carla

Anonymous said...

I vote for the cutie blue bibs!!!! SOO CUTE!!

Love, Kristin

Anonymous said...

I always choose the most "adult" looking outfit. Who needs all that babyish stuff!

What did you end up deciding?

The Godfather

Anonymous said...

By the way, I asked Kaia which one she liked and she pointed at the BLUE outfit. That girl has taste!

Anonymous said...

Gotta go with the blue! Only an adorable baby can pull an outfit like that off. He's got the rest of his life to wear brown.....Perhaps, you could accessorize the blue with a manly, navy blue bib??? Some sporty socks??

Anonymous said...

Maybe too late. But I think Erik would look cute in the brown.
