Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A change in his smile

Erik had a doc appt after school, so I picked the kids up when school was out at 2:55.  I was standing with Adin at his locker, he was talking and since I was looking down at him I could see his bottom teeth, and I said, "Adin!  You lost a tooth!"  He said, "No I didn't." as he touched the space.  He was so excited, he told everybody we passed in the hallway, which embarrassed Erik and he got grumpy.  Adin doesn't know when he lost the tooth, so I suggested maybe he swallowed it during lunch.  That is now the story he is telling people.  I also asked if one bite of his cheese enchilada was crunchier than the others and now that is also part of his official story. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Science Fair

 This is Adin's poster.  He tried to make an egg float in water.  On the left he drew the regular water, on the right is the salt water.  At the bottom he wrote Why? Salt makes it float. 

This is Erik's poster.  He tried to make an orange float in water.  He agreed to ink in his writing so I think you can read it.  It floated with the peeling on, and sunk after we peeled it.  The tiny dimples in the peeling collect air pockets which is enough to make it float. 

The Science Fair is tomorrow.  I'm excited. This is our first time doing an experiment for it.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Questions the kids asked me on the drive home from the yogurt lab.

Are all animals solids? 
Are there any gasses that are heavier than air?
Is fire a solid, liquid or gas? 
If there's no air in space, what's in space?

Saturday, January 04, 2014

December photos

 We went to brunch at the St. Paul Hotel.  They have some fancy trees, including this one with two peacocks at the top. 
 Last Saturday, we took advantage of the last day of warm weather.  Joe and Erik went skating.  Adin and I went snowshoeing.  Someone else had made the larger snowman in the back.  Adin and I made this small one.  We found long tree needles to use as hair.  Adin thought it looked pretty cute.  He thought it was cuter than he is!
I've made about five of these paper snowflakes.  Erik is modeling them for me, but isn't sure how to hold them.  Actually, maybe I'm asking him to hold them sort of they way he is, but he wants to use them as shields or something. 

January photos

 Adin was pretending to get ready for school.  He put on his winter coat and boots and grabbed his folder.  He thought it was pretty funny to go to school w/o pants. 
 After dinner, Erik ate about 5 cuties (small oranges).  Not to be outdone, Adin then ate about five oranges.  I cut the first two for him, he cut the rest for himself while I was helping Erik in the bath.
 Erik after his bath.  He loved this special towel wrapped around his head like a turban.  He is pretending to be a character from the TV show "Word Girl", who always yells, "Help, someone's robbing the jewelry store".  You can see some of the new tile in our shower/bath.  The new tile is white, and we used some of the old blue tiles for an accent line.
Adin loved his new hair do.