Sunday, November 17, 2013

Peter and the Wolf

The kids were singing the same song over and over at dinner, driving each other and their parents crazy.  So I put on our Peter and the Wolf CD (narrated by Sting) to distract them.  Erik got engrossed in the story and after dinner I brought a chair into the kitchen so he could sit by the CD player and listen.  The chair is one my grandparents gave me for my first birthday.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Weekend Fun

Joe and Erik are going camping with the Cub Scouts and I'm excited for Erik to experience this.  I'm getting excited to have special time with Adin.  We're going to watch a movie and eat popcorn, maybe go on a field trip tomorrow, and that's all I have planned so far.  I hope he's as excited about the movie as I am.  He and I baked some apple crisp earlier this week and he was super proud of himself, so maybe we'll do that again.  Ooo, I could take him swimming at the YMCA.  I kind of hate to take them both because it's hard to keep an eye on both of them.  Gotta go. 


I actually think there's a music program called Kindermusik.  This is not that program.  This is a song with actions that Adin learned in Kindergarten.  When Erik was learning Spanish, he kept it all inside and didn't want to tell us much.  Now that Adin is learning, most of what he learns he says and/or sings at home. 
Anyway, after I started videoing Adin singing this, I realized I should have turned on more lights, but I was afraid if I stopped him, I would never get him to do it again.  Enjoy.


Adin seems to have gotten bored after he finished his work in Kindergarten today.  He made himself some math problems to work on.  I particularly like 55+55=1010.