On Sunday we drove to Great-Uncle Linn's cabin on Roy Lake. We barbequed with Linn, Great-Aunt Ona, and Great Grandma Vig. Ona gave Erik a book, "Jumbo, som dro ut i verden". It's a very fun book. We watched a lot of Food Network, since Joe & I don't get cable. It made us want to visit New Orleans! Sunday night we drove to Sisseton and spent the night at the home of Erik's Lindell Great Grandparents. They had just come back from Iowa, where they celebrated the 90th birthday of Mickey's brother. Grandma & Grampa Paul & Lois gave Erik some Thomas the Tank Engine slippers and some blue puppy Robeez. Very cute.
This weekend we let Erik take naps on big beds with pillows on either side of him. We rationalized this by telling ourselves that he rarely rolls over and when he does he only ever rolls once. Fortunately, he didn't prove us wrong until yesterday, when he was rolling safely on the floor. Erik is now a rolling menace. He rolled and rolled and rolled yesterday and hasn't stopped today!

He has this toy where he lies on the floor and there are two parallel arches above him with
dangling toys. A month ago those arches helped motivate him to roll. He would roll onto his side so he could mouth the bubble fabric on the arch. Today, however, he is trying to roll all the way and when he hits the arch he starts crying. It's a little funny, I must admit. I may have to put away this toy for a couple months until he can crawl under the arches.